Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new year, a new post!

To help celebrate the start of the new year, and my very first post of 2009, here are a few fun shots taken Christmas Day 2008.

Austin & his new furry Grover (Mmmmm.... tasty, but could use a touch of applesauce!)

Tyler takes his new Big Wheel out for a spin (Whatever happened to the handlebar tassles the kid in the car commercial has on his Big Wheel?)

It's all fun and games till the dogs join the party... ("We'll only let you pass if you give us Snookies - and lots of 'em!")

Nicole, Jeff, Tyler, Austin, Max, and Loki wish everyone a happy, healthy, and wonderful 2009!

1 comment:

KRiSTiN said...


I didn't know you had a blog! Hurray for blogs with pictures of the Balfour Babies!!